Road signage bearing the Olympic and Paralympic Games emblems

  • Communiqués de presse
  • Publié le 27/02/2024
Trafic routier en agglomération

To facilitate travel during the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, traffic lanes will be reserved for vehicles carrying people accredited by the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games Organising Committee. On this occasion, new signage bearing the Games emblems will be installed to make these lanes easily recognisable.

In order to inform users that reserved lanes will be available during the Games period, this new road signage will be installed between 1 July and 15 September 2024 inclusive.

The traffic signs and road markings, as specified in the Order of 31 July 2023 on the testing of signage for lanes and sections of lanes reserved for certain vehicles to be used during the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2024, will be installed by the road network managers both upstream of the lanes concerned and, regularly, along the latter.

These signage materials shall bear either the logo of the Games or the reference “Paris 2024” clearly written for it to be understood by everyone. As some lanes are reserved only for a part of the day, they will be indicated by signs with dynamic mode operation for them to be active only at certain times.

The list of lanes and portions of reserved lanes, as established by Decree no. 2022–786 of 4 May 2022, are located in Paris as well as in the Hauts-de-Seine, Seine-Saint-Denis, Val-de-Marne, Seine-et-Marne, Yvelines and Val d'Oise departments. The use of these lanes will only be authorised (Ordinance no. 2019–207 of 20 March 2019 on reserved lanes and traffic police for the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games) for:

  • vehicles of persons accredited by the 2024 Organising Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games,
  • taxis,
  • public transport vehicles,
  • vehicles used to facilitate transportation of persons with reduced mobility, as mentioned in paragraph 7° of I of Article L. 1241–2 of the Transport Code, and
  • emergency and security vehicles, to ensure that they move in the safest and smoothest possible conditions.

The traffic signs and road markings will be as follows:


Static signage application

Dynamic signage application

Dynamic signage is displayed in reverse decor.

Horizontal marking of reserved lanes on the core network and the ring road

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