You wish to apply for temporary protection in France

  • Grands dossiers
  • Publié le 15/03/2022
  • Mis à jour le 29/11/2023
Drapeaux France-Ukraine

You wish to apply for temporary protection in France

What is it about?

Temporary protection is an exceptional measure authorised by the Council of the European Union decision of 4 March 2022.

Can you benefit from it?

Conditions for obtaining temporary protection in France:

  • Case 1: You are a Ukrainian national and you were residing in Ukraine before 24 February 2022;
  • Case 2: You are not a Ukrainian national and you benefit from protection (international or equivalent national) granted by the Ukrainian authorities;
  • Case 3: You are not a Ukrainian national, you hold a valid permanent residence permit issued by the Ukrainian authorities and you are not able to return to your country of origin in a safe and sustainable manner;
  • Case 4: You are a family member of a person falling under one of the previous cases (family members are: spouse, unmarried minor children and dependent relatives).

What are your rights once protected?

  • The issuance of a temporary residence permit on French territory for a period of 6 months, bearing the mention “beneficiary of temporary protection”;
  • The payment of the asylum seeker's allowance;
  • Authorisation to exercise a professional activity;
  • Access to healthcare through medical care;
  • Schooling for minor children;
  • Support in accessing housing.

Where to apply?

Go to the prefecture of the department where you live or are staying:

  • with the documents in your possession justifying your situation;
  • accompanied by your family members (spouse and children).

What happens next?

  • If your file is complete and admissible, you will be protected and you will obtain a temporary residence permit.
  • You will then be referred to the French Office for Immigration and Integration (OFII).

Découvrir d'autres articles sur le dossier : Situation en Ukraine

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